Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Newest Projects

So the holidays are over and I can breathe a sigh of relief.  Just a few more days and the new year will begin.  This means New Year's Resolutions, as much as I hate them.  My biggest resolutions this year are:  to eat healthier and to get a routine for my day down so that I can have more productive time to create, plan healthy yummy meals, play with my kids, and have a clean house.  I already have a number of projects to work on.  there are the multiple quilts that I have been planning on making, the doll and doll accessories that I want to make, a couple of car caddies for the boys, scrapbooking that really needs to get done, and I'm sure so much more.  One of the things that I need to do to be able to have time to create is organize my supplies and maybe make a place for the kids to play while I create.  I have a few ideas in my head that i need to put into practice.  I am also working on an organizing system to help me plan my days so that the things that need to get done, get done on time and then hopefully I can have more time to do the things that I love to do!  I am hoping for an ipad soon.  I should say, I am getting an ipad for my Christmas gift as soon as it fits into our budget.  I am hoping that it will help me maintain my organization better than my hand written planner that I am planning in using. 

I can't wait to get started on all the different things that I want to make.  I love to create!


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