Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Wishcasting Wednesday

Jamie Ridler at asks "What do you wish for less of?"

Before I decided on my answer, I started reading other people's post and the subject of clutter came up.  I would say that this is what I want less of.  CLUTTER!

I tend to be a compulsive buyer of craft supplies to the point where I don't have time to use them, but I always want to have the supplies on hand just in case.  When I got married 3 years ago and sold the house that my grandmother and I had lived in (she died the year before), I moved not only my stuff but some of her stuff that I couldn't bear to get rid of, to my new home with my husband and his mother.  His mother was going to live with us because she was unable to live alone.  Now we had, my stuff, my grandmother's stuff, my husband's stuff, and his mother's stuff.  Unfortunately his mom passed away 1 month and 1 day after we got married.  I had just found out I was pregnant with my first son.  We tried to get rid of things, but we just didn't get rid of enough.  Three months after the birth of my son, I got pregnant with the twins who were born 5 weeks early and got sick and ended up back in the hospital for 3 weeks.  When they came home I had 6 week old twins and a 1 year old.  So, needless to say all the stuff that I had, just piled up and I really haven't had time to use it or get rid of a lot of it.  I keep trying, but I have a hard time parting with it.  Now that my kids are 2 1/2 and 19 months old, I am hoping that they can start doing craft projects with me and I can start using some of my things.

I wish to be able to let go of things that I will never use and to stop compulsively buying items that will only end up as more clutter.  I have made some progress in buying, but that is only because I don't let myself go into stores unless there is something that I need.



  1. As you wish this for yourself, Amy, I too wish this for you.

    I'm so bad with clutter too. My sister keeps threatening to send me to that tv show Horders

  2. As Amy wishes for herself, I wish for her as well.

  3. my goodness, you've been through so much in such a relatively short time. for me, tackling one small bit of clutter at a time makes it feel a lot less overwhelming than tackling the whole house. ;) as you wish for yourself, i wish for you also.

  4. Wow, you are dealing with so much....I think your project requires lots of hands. Maybe you could have a de-cluttering party? As Amy wishes for herself, I wish for her also.

  5. I think Gina had a great idea. Maybe some friends can help you? You can sort in categories: keep, throw away,donate/sell & not sure. Bless you, and good luck.

    As Amy wishes for herself, so I wish also.

  6. Wishing you lots of help as you sort through the clutter.

    As Amy wishes for herself, so I truly wish for her as well.

  7. As Gina wishes for herself, I wish for also. Great wish clutter seems to creep up on us.

  8. As Amy wishes, I wish for her also.

    I hear you! Oh my, do I hear you. I have no idea how many times I have purged crafting clutter. It's so tough because we do need tools and supplies but we don't need every item that we have picked up.

  9. As Amy wishes for herself, I wish for her also! ♥Tee

  10. As Amy wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.

  11. As Amy wishes for herself, I wish for her also.
    I can so relate to your art clutter. I have so many crafts and unfinished projects. Then on top of that add all my teaching stuff!
    Here's to doing a bit each day!

  12. I can *so* relate to this post. I'm guilty of just moving my old supplies to my daughter's side of the studio and pretending it's me not hoarding supplies but SHARING them.

    As you wish for yourself, I wish for you also.

  13. I have an art supply clutter issue, too, so I could really relate to that part of your post. As Amy wishes for herself, so do I wish for her also.

    PS -- Sorry about the amount of loss you've had to deal with. You've sure got a plateful!

  14. Wow, there is a lot on your plate - three kids under three! I felt busy with one kid... I really like Gina's idea!
    As Amy wishes for herself, so I wish for her as well.
