Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Wishcasting Wednesday

It Wednesday again and time for Wishcasting Wednesday.  This week Jamie Ridler asks: "What do you wish to enjoy?"

This is an easy one for me to answer.  It may seem like a simple answer, but I want to enjoy life.  I want to enjoy life even though there may be some limitations.  Right now, I am looking at drastically changing my eating habits.  I have been trying to deal with potential food allergies/intolerances and have so far been unable to do what I need to do.  I have been doing a lot of research, and it seems like even if I don't have food allergies/intolerances, eliminating these foods seem to make people feel better!  I wish to enjoy life even though I can't have these foods that I absolutely love!  I have decided that my food issues may also be food addiction as well as allergies/intolerances.  I don't want food to control my life.  I want to enjoy food, but not if it makes me feel miserable.

There are other things that will help me to enjoy life, but right now, dealing with food issues seems like such a huge thing.  I am just going to look at it in a different light.  Instead of looking at what I can't have, I plan to focus on what I can have and really enjoy that and enjoy how eat right makes me feel.  I have started a new blog to document how changing my eating makes me feel.  It's over at http://trialsandtribulationsof  I hope to be writing some good things about how I'm feeling.  We shall see!

What do you wish to enjoy?



  1. I adore your blog background - what a romantic table setting!
    May your wishes come true to allow you to enjoy life to the full - and all those yummy goodies too!

  2. I hear you. I recently changed my eating patterns because I have food allergies. It was really worth it to feel better. As you wish, so I wish for you.

  3. Simple answers can be the most powerful of all! As Amy wishes for herself, so I wish for her as well.

  4. Hooray! A fellow wisher of enjoying life! As Amy wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.

  5. As Amy wishes for herself, I wish for her also.

  6. oooh, it's so pretty around here! May all your wishes come true and have a great weekend :)

  7. GOod luck with the elimination process. As you wish for yourself, so I wish for you also.
