Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Wishcasting Wednesday: Where do you wish to make a fresh start? Balance in life

I haven't been participating in Wishcasting Wednesday lately and I thought that I would give it a try again. (Life has just been too crazy) Jamie Ridler over at asks "Where Do You Wish to Make a Fresh Start?"

Balance!  Isn't that what we all strive for.  I've been doing a lot of thinking lately, especially on my drive to and from work (not that it's a long drive, but it's time alone) and what has recently come to me is that I am seeking more balance in my life.  My eating is out of control, sometimes my emotions are out of control, I don't have balance in my home life right now since I am still trying to work out being at home with the kids and then leaving and going to work.  I never realized how tough it would be to maintain a balance when your schedule changes and you have 3 kids and a husband (thankfully I have a helpful husband who makes the transition much easier).  I need to find balance in ensuring that the house gets clean, but that it does not become my total focus.  I need to find the balance in exercising and making sure tht I am getting enough rest.  I need to find balance in ensuring that I get enough time in to be creative and enjoy my different hobbies.  I need to find balance to have time to read, one of my loves, but I don't make it a priority any more.  I need to find the balance in enjoying good television, but not letting it take over my life.  I need to find balance in using the computer and not letting my blogs/facebook/web searches/other peoples blogs take time away from other things that would be balancing my life.

I wish to make a fresh start by having more balance in my life!



  1. As Amy wishes for herself, so I wish for her as well. I am a constant balance seeker, so I'm so with you on this!

  2. As Amy wishes for herself, I wish for her as well!
    --Jo Anna

  3. Hi Amy...yikes! That is a tall order to fill! I hope you give yourself a break and work on one at a time! You are so right, though. Our lives all seem to be so out of balance. Seems like the world really encourages us to live that way. I think the first step in finding balance is to "be still." Find a moment, which is not easy with little ones, to just breathe and find your center. What things need to be the priority..what things can go at the bottom of the list? I am not an expert by any means and am speaking to myself also as I am usually operating in out of control mode! I wish you peace on your journey to find your balance. As you wish for yourself, so I wish for you also...and me, too!

  4. as Amy wishes for herself, i wish for her also.

  5. Balance. That is good wish. Sometimes, it feels like there a just not enough hours in the day. As you wish, so I wish for you.

  6. As Amy wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.

    Hi Amy, thanks for visiting my blog. Don't think we've met before, but am so glad to. I can imagine being a mother of 3 very young children will indeed call for balance and grace. Blessings on you and your beautiful family.
