Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Spring Time!

It's officially spring time here in New England.  Last week, we had a nice tease of 70 degree weather.  It was so nice to be outside with the kids, playing at the park, not having to bundle them up, going for walks. it also means that it is getting to start thinking about our garden; flower, herb, and vegetable.  Last year, we started going to farmers markets in the area.  It was so nice to have fresh produce that was grown in a smaller size farm vs some large farm that doesn't care about the food they produce, only about the profit that they are making for the huge companies.  The other big thing is that I want to teach my children about good food and where good food comes from.  Even though the kids are really too young to understand this now, I want to start feeding them good food and get them out in the dirt.  So now I have to decide what I want to plant in our garden.  My plan is to plant a veggie garden that will provide food for us, an herb garden that will provide fresh herb for food, teas, and even flowers, and finally a flower garden that will provide a place for butterflies, hummingbirds and other creatures that love flowers, provide cut flowers for the house, and provide a calm place for me to sit and spend quiet time.

I love the spring and fall.  I think I am going to start to even like the summer now that I have kids.  I love the sun.  I love the fresh air and I love when it is not too hot.   I love getting out and playing with the kids.  I love going for walks.  I love being in nature and I want to ensure that my children grow up to enjoy and respect the world in which we live.

I have been eating way less meat.  That has been a huge goal of mine and I seem to be moving in that direction.  I could do better, but I am moving in the right direction, forward not back.  I did have some read meat this week and I have to say it didn't agree with me as much as I thought it would.  I am happier and feel better when I don't eat a ton of meat.  I plan to continue to move toward a meat free diet, but I am not giving it up totally, I am just eating more fruits, veggies, beans, and grains.

Wish me luck on my garden planning and planting and pray that the weather here,  north of Boston, gets nicer and stays nicer.



  1. Do you already know a bit about gardening? I tried last year and failed miserably. Curious to know what resources you use to help guide you. I am partial to container gardening as I think it may require less expertise...

  2. I know little to nothing about gardening. I just want to try to grow my own veggies and flowers and herbs. I have done a little in the past, but just planted and hoped for the best. Now that I am not working, I am hoping that things will go really well. We are also only drinking tea, not coffee and I want herbs to make tea. I am also in love with butterflies and flowers so I want my flower garden to attract butterflies and provide cut flowers for the house. We tore down our front shrubs and also need to replace that. I will be spending a lot of time on line and at the book store and even the library depending on what I need. I love the idea of container gardening and may do some of that also, but with a yard as large as ours, I also want to plant in the yard. Wish us luck!
