Monday, April 12, 2010

Eating and other projects

I have been trying to make changes in my eating habits and have done pretty well.  I have some pretty major lapses here and there though.  I am doing better with cooking a little healthier, but I am still eating way too much food.  I have also been really bad at planning our meals for the week.  This is all about to change as I am going to plan out my meals for this week right after I finish this post.  Tonight we are trying a new bean recipe with Adzuki beans and a 5 spice blend.  I am really looking forward to trying something new.  We have the old standbys and they will definitely be used this week.  We will have lentil dal, indian spiced chick peas, maybe a white bean soup with kale and even a butternut squash and black bean soup.  I think that might mean 1 more dish at least to get through the week.  I am thinking that I will have a salmon dish since we haven't had that in some time, and then there is the old standby of salad with chicken, especially now that the weather is getting nicer and hearty foods aren't needed or desired as much as they are in the winter.  I will also be starting to exercise more!

I recently bought a new sewing book and would love to buy even more, but right now it's just not in the budget.  I also bought some supplies to try out a sundress for my daughter.  I am so looking forward to trying it, I just have to sit myself down and try to make it.  It's simple enough to do and I think it will look extremely adorable.  I also have a couple of other things that I need to sew.  I'll get there before the weather gets nice enough for them to wear the things that I plan to make.

I also need to start working on my garden and planning on what I want to plant.  I have some seeds started and probably need to transplant them, at least some of them to a bigger pot.  Then I have to plan what I want to plant and more than likely by the actual plants for the garden.  My husband started to put some hostas in for our new butterfly garden and then we need to decide on what plants/shrubs need to go in the front of the house.  I need to start spending some time researching plants instead of just reading peoples' blogs (which I love to do, it just takes away from what I have to do!).

So there you have some of my projects for the nearby future! I have many things to do and much research to complete, but I am looking forward to this type of research and plan on documenting my new gardening venture!



  1. oooh Adzuki beans- they are so cute, aren't they?! Hope the meal is super yummy :)

  2. Sounds like some delicious meals in the works :)

    I just got some seeds planted today. I took a risk and put some herb seeds right in a planter outside, then started some lettuce and arugula inside to transplant in a few weeks...who knows how it'll all turn out :)
